There will be treasures, extraordinary wealth, whole kingdoms, wonderful jewels, but there is something that is very true, if there is no good health all this is not worth it, since the wealth of man can't be measured for the quantity of problems that he may or may not have, then a man can consider himself to be rich and lucky, but who knows of this ? Very few. It is necessary that someone reminds us, but the advice comes in a lot of forms. Moreover, while more forms better is the advice.
to reject. In the holistic healing the healer is the one who has been able to understand that the universe has laws and that there is a language, almost silent but that paradoxically seems that it shouts, agitates, sighs, declares itself, cries out and reclaims and says to man :
There is no man if there is no universe and such understanding needs a wise, sensitive and intelligent meditator, who is especially and properly motivated. Then, is not possible to speak about a man who is not also in the universe and there is nothing in the universe that is not also in man.
In the holistic medicine and in the healer, man and the universe are the same, there are no differences. The Healer is the one who gives the orientation, who guides, therefore he is also the man and the universe. To respect the laws and to respect the universe is the beginning of the Healer and the Healing.
-Author and Artist: Oscar Basurto Carbonell
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